While living in China one of the largest challenges has been communication, or rather lack of communication! I have found myself craving English conversations out side of work and school. Because I work at such a small school and only see other English speakers (outside of work) occasionally, and because many of the people I see daily don't speak English, I am lacking some good conversation. I miss listening to professors talk about engaging topics and discussing them with my peers.
Books have filled this gap.
I have been reading a lot lately. My definition of a lot is probably quite different then some peoples, but I have been reading more than usual.
I love reading biographies; books about real people's, real stories. The books I have been reading most recently are about taking chances, vulnerability and shame, leaning into your passion, succeeding in your work life, courage and more. 

The words from these books, from the women who wrote these books, have become my mentors! 

I have been thinking a lot about my future, and life decisions. It seems hard to narrow things down and figure out what I really want when it feels like there is so much to choose from at times and then like options are slim at other times. The hardest thing I have found is that I will not know if something is the right decision until I take a chance and apply myself to something... doing this runs the risk of not liking it, having a miserable year, or worse, failing. But it also offers the chance of loving it, growing, improving and thriving. These books have told me to lean in, have the courage to take chances, and work hard, so that is what I am trying to do!
At times I feel empowered and ready to take on the world, and then other times I feel like crawling up in a ball on my parent's couch and hiding from the reality of life (which makes me feel even worse because I am several time zones away from my parent's couch! It becomes a bad cycle).
This is exhausting!
If you are feeling the same, or have ever felt this way, or are interested at all, here are the books I have read recently that I love, and definitely recommend:
This brings me to my point, and the reason I titled the post "Lean In"; After reading the book Lean In, and visiting the website leanin.org I have decided that I would like to start a 'Lean In Circle'. This is a group of 8-10 people at similar places in their careers who meet on a monthly bases, (10 times a year) to share and learn together and support each other in 'leaning in' to achieve goals. You can read more information on it here
So if you are reading this and you are interested, or know someone who might be interested, let me know! You can email me at [email protected]. You don't have to be a teacher, or even female to join. It would be nice to have some diversity and I would really like a couple of guys in the group. I am not sure if these meetings need to be in person or if we could do meetings online... I guess we can figure that out together. I will be back in Southern Alberta at the end of July, so I am thinking the beginning of August would be a good time to start. I look forward to hearing back on this and getting a group together!

P.S. below are Ted Talks from the writers of the books.

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    I am a recent graduate with an Education degree, a love for photography, and the desire to travel. I am attempting to navigate life, learn as much as possible and grow personally and professionally. 


    June 2013
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